The following rules must be abided by all members and guests of Drexel Swim Club
​Membership cards are not transferable. Violation of this rule will result in loss of membership. Membership cards must be verified at the gate upon entering and when leaving the pool grounds.
Non-toilet trained children must wear waterproof pants and are restricted to the baby pool only (non-toilet trained children are not permitted in or at the edge of the big pool even if accompanied by a parent/guardian). Children in the baby pool must be supervised by a parent/guardian and this person must remain within the confines of the fenced area of the baby pool while the child is using the area.
Glass or breakable articles that could cause injury to others are NOT permitted on pool grounds (this includes glass, baby bottles, soft drink containers, glass jars, etc.).
All members and their guests are expected to use the trash receptacles provided and must make sure their area is clean before leaving the pool. Our pool will be as clean as our efforts to keep it clean.
Adult swim periods are announced at the discretion of the pool management and are restricted to adults only (18+).
Any misuse or damage of pool property may result in loss of pool privileges at the manager’s discretion. Restitution for damages must be made before pool privileges are restored.
Recreational equipment will not be distributed to very young children unless accompanied by a responsible party.
All equipment must be returned to the proper location upon completion of your game.
Smoking is not permitted within the pool area. There are designated smoking areas located by the parking lot.
All hair longer than shoulder length must be pulled back into a ponytail.
There is to be no sitting on the steps at the entrance of the pool.
A teenager or an adult member must accompany children under 12 years of age at the pool.
For BABYSITTERS of multiple children under the age of 12, there is a max of one (1) adult to four (4) children ratio. There cannot be more than four (4) children with one (1) adult babysitter and the adult babysitter must be 18+ years of age. ​
Any member who brings a guest assumes responsibility for that guest. In order to maintain a peaceful and respectful environment, it is mandatory that any guest accompanying a member refrain from causing any disturbances. Therefore, should a guest of a member engage in disruptive behavior, both the guest and the member could face immediate suspension as a consequence of their actions.
No member may take photo and/or video of other members OR staff. Should you be found in violation of this, you could face immediate suspension for disruption of privacy.
You must fill out the party request form (see pool management) and schedule the party date with them. Party request forms must be filled out at least one week before the party is scheduled. Party times can be scheduled for up to 4 hours in the picnic area. Parties may be scheduled to begin one hour after pool opening and must be cleaned up one hour before pool closing.
Party size should not exceed 25 guests (party guest fee is $5 per person).
On the day of the party, you will need to provide the front office staff with a guest list in order for them to check off the names as they arrive.
All food and drink must be kept in the picnic area.
While on pool grounds, the lifeguards are in charge. Please instruct your children/guests that they are in charge of everyone's safety.
The following are not permitted in or around the pool:
Running, dunking, riding on shoulders, playing tag, horseplay, or activity considered dangerous by the lifeguard.
Swimming in the diving area unless permission is given by the guard or during an adult swim.
Rafts, inner tubes, ball playing, or scuba equipment unless permission is given by the guard.
Swimmies are permitted in the lower section of the big pool and only when an adult is in the water with the child.
A child 12 or under must pass the deep water test before being permitted to use the diving board or deep water area (please see the manager on duty to arrange a deep water test for your child).
Divers must dive or jump off the front of the board.
Only one person at a time is permitted at each level of the diving steps with a line forming on the deck at the bottom of each ladder.
Do not go off the board backward or go forward and tilt back into a flip (a gainer)
You must swim directly to the corresponding ladder after going off the diving board
Only one bounce is permitted before going off the diving board.
Any child 12 or under must pass the deep water test before being permitted to use the diving board (see pool management).
Slide users must have passed the swim test (wrist band visible).
The line will form on the deck at the bottom slide.
Only 1 person can be on the slide at a time.
No running up the stairs.
The last person down the slide must be clear from the landing zone before the next person goes down the slide.
Immediately exit the landing zone after your slide.
No swimming in the landing zone unless permission is given by the lifeguard.